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Automatic Exports on Qomon

Read this article to find out how to configure automatic exports on Qomon using S3

Clare Atreo avatar
Written by Clare Atreo
Updated over a month ago

🤖 What is S3 Configuration?

S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a secure and efficient storage solution available with most cloud providers. It stores large data volumes for purposes like websites, mobile apps, backups, and archives. S3 also includes management features to help organize and control data access according to business and compliance needs.

Using S3 for Automatic Exports in Qomon

With Qomon, S3 can automate contact database exports based on specific criteria, such as location, category, or time frame.

  • For example: If you manage an organization with 50 spaces, you can configure weekly exports for new contacts in each space.

S3 exports include all fields available in manual web app exports, with options to customize which fields to include, offering flexibility and control over your data.

What do we need from you?

  • Access ID

  • Secret Key

  • Endpoint

  • Region

  • Bucket

  • ACL (Access Control List)

Find descriptions of each below:

💻 Access ID

The first step is to create an Access ID. This is a unique identifier associated with your account/user. Your Access ID must be globally unique, so ensure that it is specific to the desired bucket or storage area, and not short or generic.

Example Access ID’s for different cloud providers:


  • Google Cloud: my-access-id-12345

  • Scaleway: SCW1T7KPT8NHZVCDJQ4X

🔑 Secret Key

You will need to create a secret key, a token associated with your Access ID. This is an extra layer of security and should be kept confidential! It should be treated as sensitive information and protected accordingly.

Example Secret Keys for different cloud providers:


  • Google Cloud: my-secret-key-ABCDE12345FGHI67890

  • Scaleway: oGtZpLOoVbUCDQXdG9NTecAtEDvzbs6uQsTLKvi3Exg=

📶 Endpoint

The Endpoint is the URL used to connect to the S3 service. It specifies the target cloud storage provider and the associated S3 service within that provider.

Example Endpoints for different cloud providers:

  • AWS:

  • Google Cloud:

  • Scaleway:

📍 Region

The Region represents the geographical location where the S3 bucket is located. Different regions may offer varying levels of availability, latency, and compliance options.

Example Regions for different cloud providers:

  • AWS: us-east-1 (US East - North Virginia)

  • Google Cloud: us-central1 (US Central - Iowa)

  • Scaleway: fr-par (Paris, France)

☁️ Bucket

The Bucket refers to a unique container within the cloud provider's storage system, where data objects are stored. It is essential to specify the correct bucket name to interact with the desired storage area.

Example Bucket names for different cloud providers:

  • AWS: my-aws-bucket

  • Google Cloud: my-google-bucket

  • Scaleway: my-scaleway-bucket

🪪 ACL (Access Control List)

The ACL defines the access permissions for objects stored within the S3 bucket. It determines who can read, write, or modify the objects.

Example ACL options for different cloud providers:

  • AWS: private, public-read, public-read-write

  • Google Cloud: projectPrivate, authenticatedRead, bucketOwnerFullControl

  • Scaleway: private, public-read, public-read-write

Where to send this information?

Simply send that list of six off, along with the specific fields you would like included in your exports, and how frequently you would like to receive the export, to your account manager or to [email protected] 😄.

For more information or assistance on S3, contact [email protected] !

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