Tag Creation
🔑You have the option to "tag" your contacts with Qomon. Tags tend to be keywords that allow you to add additional information and further characterize your contacts.
📋Why use tags? Tags are an easy way to differentiate/categorize your contacts. For example, you can tag a contact as eco-conscious - down the line if you have a petition or survey on the environment, you will know who you are likely to get a response from! You can also tag someone with a support level.
💡 Good to know: Only administrators can generate and manage tags found in your organization's space.
Where can I create tags?
To create tags, head over to "Settings" > "Contacts / CRM" > "Tags" along the top.
How do I create tags?
Once you're in the right place, you're able to manage all tags found on your organization's space:
Create: allows a tag to be made available to be used for your contacts
Delete: this tag will be removed from all contacts with this tag
Rename: modify the tag and it will be updated on all corresponding contacts