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Responses to FAQs on Imports

Find all the answers to your frequently asked questions about imports on Qomon

Clare Atreo avatar
Written by Clare Atreo
Updated over a week ago

❓Frequently asked questions on imports

Discover the answers to the ten most frequently asked questions about importations in your Qomon space. Keep reading to learn more!

⏳Why is my import taking so long to upload?

When a file is uploaded to Qomon, it's like a human reading a book. The system takes some time to read all of the data uploaded. Therefore, there are a few reasons why your import could be taking longer than normal to import (like some books take longer to read).

  • Large files can take longer than normal as they need time to process

  • Files with errors in them can take longer than normal as the system try's to understand the errors

  • Files with a lot of potential duplicates can take longer as the system checks for the duplicates in your database

If the wait time increases significantly, reach out to [email protected]!

🔍 Why are there errors in my file?

If your import signals that there are “Errors”, something could be wrong with the formatting of your file, or the configuration of your contact fields in your space settings. To find your error lines, click on the title of your import, and you will see the option to “Download error lines”.

  • Please don't hesitate to reach out to support if you need help understanding your error lines!

  • To go further and understand why there may be error lines, click here.

🏷️ How do I import tags?

Tags are a great way to organize and later target your contacts. If you have tags in your import file, there are two ways you can properly upload them to your Qomon contacts:

  • The first option is to have your tags in different cells, with each tag having it's own column

  • The second option is to separate your tags in one cell with a comma (,)

⚙️ How do I import custom fields?

If there is information/data you would like to record in your contact card that is not currently an available field, you can create custom fields in your space settings (only available for Premium subscriptions and above!).

Read this article to see the different types of custom fields you can create, and how to import them!

🚧 Why does my import say “Finished ⚠️”?

If your import says 'Finished ⚠️', this means there are potential duplicates you need to decide to import or not to import.

You can do this by clicking on the name of the import, select 'Check contacts' in the duplicate section, and then decide to either import or change the the tab to 'Do not import' and select the button.

🛠️ Why does my import say configuration required?

If your import says 'Configuration required', it means you have not completed the import process.

To solve this, all you need to do is click on the name of the import and follow the instructions prompted to complete the import.

⛓️ What does it mean when my file has potential duplicates?

When your import has “potential duplicates,” this means that the file you are uploading has contacts with similar information to some of your existing contacts.

You can read this article for more information on duplicates, and right here for more information on how to deal with duplicates.

🔗 Why did some of my contacts merge?

When an import is uploading, Qomon will check to see if any of the contacts you are uploading already exist in your contact database. If the system finds multiple identical fields, like a matching phone number and last name, or a matching address and last name, these contacts will automatically merge as to not create a duplicate.

If your contacts are merged, any data in the same field from the new import will replace the information in the existing contacts.

✖️ Can I import multiple files at once?

You can only import one file at a time! If you have an import 'In progress', or an import that says 'Finished ⚠️' or 'Configuration required', you will have to wait or select the import and follow the prompt.

📂 How big can my import file be?

There is no limit to how big your import file can be, but keep in mind the time it will take to import very large files. Make sure you are importing a clean file and pay attention to potential duplicates!

📖 Read more articles on importing your contacts here!

🤔 Still have questions? Contact [email protected] !

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